The “English Plus History/Geography” class (6th-3rd grades) has been studying the making of a nation in the context of the United States.
The class examines democratic governance and the liberties which are necessary for people to truly live freely under governmental rule. The students are studying documents from American history, specifically The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. These works took ideas from French and British Enlightenment thinkers and changed the way nations were governed, moving from monarchies to democracies and giving people the basic human rights they deserve.
Students discussed the importance of FREEDOMS and they were given the “freedom” to express what this idea means to them through artwork, poetry, videos or multimedia. We are happy to share some of their works: a drawing by Alexandra-Crina (4th grade) and a poem by Eduard (6th grade).
Poem about Freedom
By Eduard , 6th grade
Let us be free and let our minds fly,
Do not judge where I go, I will soar through the sky.
Let us earn rights,
And enjoy our nights.
We were all born equal after all
We should not disrespect ourselves, at all!
So European, African, or Chinese,
Give us freedom, we please!