Why choose the Lycée français Anna de Noailles ? You will opt for the French education system, based on the French Ministry of national education’s teaching programs. Our school is part of the AEFE network, the Agency for French Education Abroad.
To choose our school for your child, is to opt for the French language, our main teaching medium, along with other European foreign languages such as English, German or Spanish, and the host country’s official language (Romanian) as mandatory.
You also opt for a private and fee-paying school that is authorized and accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Education.
Students prepare the French Baccalaureat, a diploma that is recognised in all the universities accross the world
Students prepare the French Baccalaureat, a diploma that is recognised in all the universities accross the world

Lycée Français Anna de Noailles admission criteria
Admission always depends on our school capacity.
Here are our admission criteria, in order of priority:
- Children of French nationality.
- Children who studied at least one year in the French school system authorized and accredited by the AEFE or the French Ministry of national education.
- Children who have at least one sibling already enrolled in our school if they are not of French nationality.
- Former AEFE student’s children.
- French-speaking child of any nationality other than French.
- Children of Romanian nationality.
- Children of other nationality.
Ground rule for any admission in our school, regardless of the age group:
Every students coming from another school system or an off-agreement school (even francophone) must undergo an assessment upon their arrival, regardless of their nationality. The test results will be decisive in the school decision.
Our school reserves the right to refuse any student who would not meet our requirements.
Admission to primary school (for students from 6 to 10):
• From the Cours Preparatoire (CP, for children who will turn 6 before the 31st of December of the year of admission)
• Students previously enrolled in the French system accredited by the French Ministry of National Education will be accepted in the class level indicated on their release form (e.g French certificat de radiation “exeat”) and on their school report.
Admission to secondary school (for students from 11 to 18):
- Students previously enrolled in the French system accredited by the French Ministry of Education will be accepted in compliance with their former teachers’ decision written on their school report.
- Our school will also conform to the former school’s decision regarding student’s educational guidance.
- Admission depends on our school capacity and on the test results
Who can benefit from this grant ?
Families with children of French nationality living abroad (enrolled in preschool, primary or secondary school) can fill an application. This grant partially or totally compensates the scholar fees, though parents who wish to apply need to meet certain financial requirements. For further information please download the brochure below :
Pre-registrations at the French School “Anna de Noailles” for the 2022/2023 school are opened !
Please use this link for the pre-registrations.
Please, consult :
- CODE OF CONDUCT of the French School “Anna de Noailles” (Secondary school) and the Secularism Charter
- CODE OF CONDUCT of the French School “Anna de Noailles” (Primary school)
Enrolment is only effective once you get a confirmation and after you pay the first school fees.
For any questions, please contact secretariat.accueil@lyceefrancais.ro
Our school is funded on the one hand by school fees, and on the other hand it is subsidised by the French state (in the form of partial or total funding of the teachers’ salaries).
School year 2022-2023