After class

More than 330 children, from year 1 to 13, can benefit from our « After class » activities, that allow them to practice at least one activity of their choice after the end of their classes.

We offer a wide range of activities so every children can pick the most suitable for them: tutoring, team sports, martial arts, swimming, art, sciences, etc. Activities are taught in French, English or Romanian. They aim to develop children’s team spirit and curiosity.


The After class program takes the bus’ schedule into account so children can take part in an activity and still leave school with one of our bus service.

The AS (sport club)

The AS (sport club) for children of lower and upper secondary school: allow children to practice a team sport for free, with a certified teacher, in an ideal environment.

  • Tuesday: Basketball
  • Wednesday : Volleyball
  • Friday : Football

We offer a childcare service

  • From 7:45am every morning – 13 ron, fruit snack included
  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, from 3:30pm to 5:30pm – 23 ron/hour, snack included
  • Wednesday from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm – 23 ron / hour

An additional hour of childcare service will be charged to the parents who pick up their child more than 15 minutes late, in the case of the child taking a snack while waiting.
The childcare service on Wednesday will be provided to the children registered for After-class activities only.
To request a temporary access, registration to our office is mandatory. Please contact us to at least 24 hours before the requested date. We will do our best to accede to your demand according to availability.

But, is it art?

Module “But is it art?” description

Holiday camp
Holidays are for you the opportunity to discover new activites with your friends from school : come and join us in july ! Follow the news here before to register on the parents’portal.


To register please log onto the parents’ portal.

Contact us :


Email :
tel. 0040.745.010.078   

How to register for After class or Childcare service ?

For further information regarding our activities or childcare services, please read the After class or Childcare rules below :

Registrations will be validated by our After-class manager according to the number of available spots and on presentation of an insurance and a medical certificates.

Activities will start on September 18th.

You can register on the parents’portal. Children can benefit from our service only after confirmation from our office.