The American International Section at the Anna de Noailles high school
The American International Section (“Section internationale américaine”) provides an international education starting from middle school.
The rich international backgrounds of students and teachers at the Anna de Noailles high school is a perfect blend of multiculturalism. Here, we seek to help our students reach their full potential, especially for understanding other cultures.
The American International Section was created in September 2021 for our students in 6ème, 5ème et 4ème.
In this section, students are taught in French and receive specific instruction in English, by native speakers. In addition to linguistic reinforcement, students discover the North American culture by learning about literature and history. This course also will make it possible to obtain an international mention on the diploma in the 3ème year.
The American International Section is both fulfilling and demanding. It is aimed at students who have an excellent level in French and English, show great intellectual curiosity and who can do the rigorous work. Self-motivation is a key element in the success of this demanding section and the American International Section welcomes a limited number of students.
For the students who wish to join this program, tests and interviews are organized at the end of spring term for those already enrolled in our school, and upon arrival for newcomers.
The pen pal program 2020-2021
A pen pal program was conducted with an American High School in Pennsylvania during the school year 2020-2021. Each student was given the email of a fellow high school student and a beginning prompt about Holidays in the United States and France or Romania and how they were different. They were responsible for having several email interactions with these pen pals, then they presented a reflection on their experiences. Most were very positive and many of the students are still in contact with their pen pals today, through various social media platforms.
Speaking assignement
Our logo project
All SI students have worked on the creation of a logo for the section, by class. After discussing the different elements of several logos, they gave some thought to what should be in the Anna de Noailles Si logo, and started imagining creating one by groups, pitching their finished product to the class.
Each class voted for their favorite one, then students and staff were asked to choose one among the three options. The results are in : logo number 3 is the winner!

Poem about homework, 5ème SI
The 5ème SI were asked to use rhythm and rhyme in a poem about homework, which was supposed to be fun. The objective was to practice and play with the phonology of the English language.
This term, we are studying literary devices for greater meaning in poetry and literature in general. This is a formative activity which will help students create a poetry booklet which will be constitute their summative evaluation for this unit.
Assignment on the novel The Secret Garden, 6ème SI
The 6ème SI are reading The Secret Garden in class as a literature project.
We are analyzing setting, characters, and symbols as we go along, working on some passages in depth to study grammar, vocabulary and writing techniques.
The students are enjoying this project; they like voicing their opinions on the characters, and for some, comparing the book to movie versions they may have seen.
Our latest news
To find out about our latest news, follow the links below. Enjoy!
The 4e SI are Sensitive to the Issue of Plastic Waste
On January 5, 2022 the 4e SI were very proud to present Mrs. Drouot, our “proviseure”, with a copy of the articles they wrote on plastic waste. They explained what they did with the energy and enthusiasm that they show in all they do.
These articles were a personal rendering of their research on different topics linked to the issue of plastic waste such as its history, geography, consequences and solutions to finish with what has been, unfortunately, called a new continent.
The work that led up to this has helped raise the group’s awareness on the issue of plastic waste, the consequences and reasons for its use, on both a worldwide level and in our daily lives. They worked on their research skills, critical thinking and creativity, in addition to a difficult exercise in the English language.
Thank you to the 4eme SI for their hard work, enthusiasm and willingness to share to help raise awareness on this important topic to help us clean up our planet!
A link to their excellent work: Plastic Waste.
The Section Internationale welcomes the cultural attaché to the American Embassy of Bucharest
The Section Internationale had the honor of welcoming Mr. William O’Connor, cultural attaché to the American Embassy of Bucharest at our school Friday, December 17th 2021.
Mr. O’Connor spoke to our students about uniquely American holidays, why and how they are celebrated in the USA. Students had the chance to interact with him during a question-and-answer session, which they had prepared in advance.
This was a unique opportunity for students of the SI to be exposed to a different dialect of English than what is spoken by their teachers, as well as to utilize their spoken English comprehension skills. The students also learned about cultural differences that they were able to compare and contrast to their own, during the discussions.
English Teacher, SI
Thanksgiving Activities
The International Section (SI) recently had a cultural event to celebrate American Thanksgiving. Students were immersed in the culture of Thanksgiving and took a quiz to test their knowledge of this American holiday.
They practiced both oral language skills through the discussion of this celebration, as well as written, by writing for what they are thankful this year.
The activities involved creating a fun turkey craft to wear or to adorn and their homes. Holidays are a time to celebrate and with Thanksgiving this year, we celebrated, reflected, and LEARNED!
English teacher, SI

The Secret Garden,
A novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett
The 6 ème SI have studied The Secret Garden in class. We focused on plot, setting and characters.
We also compared it to the 2020 movie adaptation of the book, and saw that there were many discrepancies that we examined in depth. We then watched the trailer of another older version that we agreed seemed much closer to the original text.
As a final project, the students made creative book reports, analyzing symbols, characters and other aspects of the work seen in class that are presented in an exhibition in the school library.
English teacher, SI

La Section Internationale Américaine a désormais un logo officiel – (read more)- only in FR
Le 12 octobre 2021, lors d’une cérémonie dans la salle de spectacles, les professeures de la Section Internationale Américaine ont annoncé le logo officiel de la SI.

Le logo numéro 3 est le gagnant avec 68% de votes des élèves et des professeurs.
Le logo représente l’identité et les valeurs de la SI : le laurier symbolise la réussite, le globe et le drapeau des Etats-Unis évoquent la diversité et l’ouverture vers de multiples cultures.
Félicitations à toutes et à tous qui ont participé au concours et qui ont voté !
SI classes have started ! (read more)

We are very pleased to welcome 6eme, 5eme and 4eme students to their first SI classes, which started on September 2nd 2021. They were selected through written applications and an interview last June, and have chosen to follow a challenging program that will lead them to take the “Diplôme National du Brevet International” in troisième.
Our students will be following History and Geography classes both in French and English, and English Literature classes in addition to the “tronc commun“ hours where they will work on language skills. They will be following the same curriculum as their classmates in all the other subjects, and it is important to highlight that French is the school’s academic language.
The teaching team for this section is made up of : Ms Khurana (History, Geography and Literature) Ms du Boucheron (Literature and Language) and Ms Escaig (Language).
The “médiathèque” (Library) has ordered a series of books especially for the SI. Our goal is to offer a selection of books adapted to the needs of our students and all suggestions are welcome!
In order to give our students a feeling of belonging and to promote the SI, we are launching a logo contest for the section. This is designed only for SI students. We will then ask the whole college and lycée to help make the final choice.
We wish all the SI students an excellent school year!
Sophie du Boucheron
SI coordinator
The English Plus History /Geography Class – (read more)

The “English Plus History/Geography” class (6th-3rd grades) has been studying the making of a nation in the context of the United States.
The class examines democratic governance and the liberties which are necessary for people to truly live freely under governmental rule. The students are studying documents from American history, specifically The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. These works took ideas from French and British Enlightenment thinkers and changed the way nations were governed, moving from monarchies to democracies and giving people the basic human rights they deserve.
Students discussed the importance of FREEDOMS and they were given the “freedom” to express what this idea means to them through artwork, poetry, videos or multimedia. We are happy to share some of their works: a drawing by Alexandra-Crina (4th grade) and a poem by Eduard (6th grade).
Poem about Freedom
By Eduard , 6th grade
Let us be free and let our minds fly,
Do not judge where I go, I will soar through the sky.
Let us earn rights,
And enjoy our nights.
We were all born equal after all
We should not disrespect ourselves, at all!
So European, African, or Chinese,
Give us freedom, we please!
Rencontre avec le Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander KOUTSOHERAS de l’OTAN – (read more)- only in FR

Le 14 mai 2021 nous avons eu le grand plaisir d’accueillir le Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander KOUTSOHERAS, de nationalité américaine, Directeur général de l’Unité d’intégration de force de l’OTAN. A cette occasion, nos élèves de Terminale, spécialité HGGSP, ont pu s’entraîner pour le Grand Oral et échanger avec le Lieutenant-Colonel sur l’approche de l’OTAN en matière de cybersécurité.
Le Lieutenant-Colonel a ensuite rencontré les élèves de troisième et de quatrième « English Plus », qui ont eu l’occasion de suivre une conférence. Ils ont mené une discussion fructueuse et favorable à la réflexion autour de la question : « Est-ce qu’un gouvernement a vraiment besoin du pouvoir militaire pour avoir une influence mondiale ? »
Nos élèves de Seconde, DNL Histoire-Géographie, ont aussi accueilli le Lieutenant-Colonel. Ils ont fait des présentations sur les évènements significatifs dans l’histoire de l’OTAN et sur le contrôle des armes de destruction massive. Le Lieutenant-Colonel leur a posé des questions spécifiques sur les présentations, ensuite il a cité des exemples de sa vaste expérience en tant que spécialiste en cybersécurité avec l’OTAN.
Nous remercions chaleureusement nos enseignantes, notre invité et nos élèves pour leur investissement dans ce projet éducatif.
Section Internationale Américaine – (read more) -only in FR

Une mention internationale dès le collège
Riche des parcours internationaux de ses élèves et enseignants, le lycée Anna de Noailles est attaché à son multiculturalisme et cherche à en donner à ses élèves tous les avantages.
Une section internationale américaine fera son entrée en septembre 2021 pour les classes de 6ème, 5ème et 4ème.
Avec cette section, les élèves auront la possibilité de suivre, en plus de leur enseignement en français, un enseignement spécifique en anglais en littérature et histoire, proposé par des enseignants natifs. Ce cursus permettra d’obtenir une mention internationale sur le diplôme du brevet en 3ème.
Riche et exigeant, ce parcours s’adresse aux élèves d’excellent niveau en français et en anglais, ceux montrant une grande curiosité intellectuelle et la capacité de fournir le travail nécessaire. La motivation personnelle sera un élément clé de leur réussite.
La section internationale américaine accueillera un nombre limité d’élèves. Des tests et entretiens seront organisés pour la sélection des élèves dès la fin du printemps pour ceux déjà dans l’établissement, et dès que possible pour les nouveaux arrivants.