Why choose the Lycée français Anna de Noailles ? You will opt for the French education system, based on the French Ministry of national education’s teaching programs. Our school is part of the AEFE network, the Agency for French Education Abroad.

To choose our school for your child, is to opt for the French language, our main teaching medium, along with other European foreign languages such as English, German or Spanish, and the host country’s official language (Romanian) as mandatory.

You also opt for a private and fee-paying school that is authorized and accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Education.
Students prepare the French Baccalaureat, a diploma that is recognised in all the universities accross the world

Students prepare the French Baccalaureat, a diploma that is recognised in all the universities accross the world

Lycée Français Anna de Noailles admission criteria

Depending on the places available, the admissions committee studies the pre-enrolment files in which the following elements will be examined in no order of priority:

– Nationality

– Professional situation of parents: seconded from a French administration or expatriates from French companies in Romania

– Knowledge of French (except for admission to TPS, PS or MS)

– School record

– Results of admission tests, organised at the school’s initiative if necessary

– Family motivation and interest in French language and culture

Other criteria:

– Children who have siblings already enrolled at our school

– Children of former French high school students

See here the summary file on the admission procedure
to the Lycée Français Anna de Noailles

Financial aid: AEFE scholarships

Who is eligible for a grant?

The Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) can provide financial support in the form of a grant to French pupils living abroad.
The scholarship is awarded as material support and covers all or part of the necessary school fees.
It can be awarded to pupils enrolled in pre-school (nursery), primary (elementary) and secondary (secondary school) education.
Find a brochure and more information below:

Formulaires à télécharger

Tuition aid for disabled pupils – AESH

General information on the AEFE grant scheme

Application for exceptional aid for tuition fees 2023-2024

This exceptional aid can only be granted to non-French students:

  • with good results, serious, motivated and who will respect, themselves and their parents, the rules of conduct of the institution, according to the internal rules voted by the Management Committee,
  • whose families are not financially able to pay the school fees in full (according to the supporting documents submitted).

If you would like your application to be considered by the next committee, please send us the file as indicated below.

Download the exceptional aid application form


Pre-registrations at the Lycée français Anna de Noailles for the 2024/2025 school year are open!

Please, use this link

If you would like to open an application for the current school year (2023/24), please contact secretariat.accueil@lyceefrancais.ro

Open Doors Session

Please use the appropriate links to register for the Open Doors session:

Warning: For CE2, CM1, CM2, 5eme and Terminale, the levels are complete at this moment. All files received for these levels will be placed on a waiting list.

Please, consult :


janvier 13, 2024

Online provisional registration

13th of January 2024

janvier 13, 2024
janvier 13, 2024

Open Gates Day

From 13th of January to 2nd of February 2024

janvier 13, 2024
mars 3, 2024

Closing of pre-registrations

3rd of March 2024

mars 3, 2024
mars 19, 2024

Validation of successful applications

From 19 of March 2024 to 18 of April 2024

mars 19, 2024

For any questions, please contact secretariat.accueil@lyceefrancais.ro


Our school is funded on the one hand by school fees, and on the other hand it is subsidised by the French state (in the form of partial or total funding of the teachers’ salaries).

The school fees for the curent school year 2023-2024 :

The school fees for the school year 2024-2025 :

Withdrawal of school file

To withdraw from high school, you must complete the school record withdrawal form and follow the procedures outlined below: